What is Mindful Parenting? How to Have the Greatest Impact on Children
A study done by the University of Vermont shows that parents who report more mindful practices tended to have more positive interactions with their children. The same study also shows that those who practice mindful parenting have fewer negative interactions with their children. But what is mindful parenting and why does it really matter?
If you're interested in learning about parental mindfulness and how you can become a mindful parent, keep reading. You'll learn what mindfulness is and how to practice mindful parenting.
What Is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a simple word that stands for a simple presence of being. When someone is practicing mindfulness, they're being fully present at the moment they're in.
People who practice mindfulness know where they are, what's going on around them, and how to react to their current situation. This means that people who practice mindfulness are also aware of how to avoid becoming overwhelmed by the situation that they're in.
Anyone can practice mindfulness. It's not something that you have to spend money on or take a class for.
In fact, the ability to practice mindfulness is innate. This means that it is already within you.
How Do I Practice Mindful Parenting?
Mindful parenting is the practice of using mindfulness techniques while raising children. Those who do practice mindful parenting find a happy medium between being an overbearing parent and being a neglectful parent.
Mindful parents establish rules with their children and know how to respond peacefully if their children choose not to follow those rules. There are many techniques you can use when practicing mindful parenting.
Practice Being Present With Your Children
The best and easiest way to be a mindful parent is to be a present parent. Being a present parent simply means being there for your child.
Being there could include going to soccer games, band concerts, or even just showing up for dinner.
If a child sees that their parent(s) is present in their lives, they will believe that their parent(s) loves them and cares for them. Just being there is important.
Unplug From Time to Time
Don't use technology constantly. Take time to be away from phones, computers, and televisions regularly.
You can take a hike outside, go to the park, enjoy a baseball game, or do something else that your family would enjoy. Use this time to talk to your family and get to know your children. They may have exciting things to share with you.

Have a Dedicated Space for Meditation
Meditation is a common practice for those who practice mindfulness. Meditating is a way of becoming centered with yourself and learning to control your emotional response to those things happening around you.
Children can also benefit from meditation. If your children struggle with anger issues or emotional control problems, meditation is the perfect way to get this under control.
Families as a whole can benefit tremendously from practicing meditation, especially during stressful times. Having a dedicated space will give everyone an escape from fighting, hardships, and other life struggles.
Take Breaks
Don't feel like you have to be constantly on the go. Take breaks.
Taking a breather every now and then will keep you from getting burnt out. If you're feeling worn out or have had a rough week, you need to take a break. It'll bring you peace and serenity.
If you don't take a break, you could be building up anger. Building these strong emotions up isn't good and your entire family could pay for it.
Practice Gratitude
Practicing mindfulness means practicing gratitude. Being grateful for the good things around you will put you and your children in a better mood.
Thinking more optimistically can turn your entire perspective around. If you're looking at a more positive life, you'll have more emotional control. This will help with any family conflict that you may be experiencing.
Teach Resilience
Being a mindful parent means teaching your child how to overcome difficult situations. If your child can handle stressful situations, they're less likely to act out or experience significant emotional distress.
Teach your child how to explain their emotions with words and overcome their negative emotions. If your child learns how to be resilient, they can use those skills to handle hard situations for the rest of their lives.
See the World Through Your Child's Eyes
Many parents struggle with understanding why their children act the way they do. A simple tip is to think about what the world was like when you were a kid. Parents can be quick to judge their child's decisions, but their children may not be too different from them.
It's important to understand that children will learn just like you had to learn. Be patient with them and give them space to make their own choices.
Be there to guide them, not control them.
Don't Be Afraid to Break Routines
You don't have to be super structured to be a good parent. You can break the routine every once in a while.
In fact, it's good to be spontaneous sometimes. You may want to take your family on a trip for the weekend or decide to take your child out to lunch.
Whatever you decide, this break in routine can be relaxing and fun. Your child will love the trip and everyone will love the break.
Self Care
Mindful parenting includes practicing self-care and teaching your children how to practice self-care. Self-care is a way of relaxing and taking care of yourself.
Self-care includes taking baths, lighting a candle, or even just reading a book when you need to take a break.
Your entire family can benefit from learning self-care. It'll keep everyone calm. This mindset is important for determining future success.
What Do I Do Now?
Now that you know what mindfulness is and how to be a mindful parent, it's time for you to go on and practice mindful parenting for yourself. If you're looking for another resource, we recommend listening to this podcast episode here.
If you're still looking for more inspiration, enjoy some of these inspirational self-improvement quotes. We wish you luck on your mindfulness journey.