Your Transformation Is Our Life's Work.

If you take a dash of life coaching, mix it with neuroscience & psychology nerds, drizzle it with intuitive guidance, and wrap it with ancient energetic wisdom practices you get...Satori Prime.

About us

Our philosophy is simple.

"Stop trying to make yourself feel better and simply get better at feeling."™

We're here to help you find the courage to take that next big leap. We nudge you off the cliff, but we also give you a parachute, and a (healthy) snack when you land.

Instead of filling your head with more information that you'll ultimately forget, we help experientially shift your reality perspective from the inside-out through direct experience.

We’re masterful explorers that safely guide you to the edge of your next major breakthrough so you can claim it as your own personal truth.

Basically, we pull you out of the matrix, but only if you're ready to be unplugged and seek your own inner guidance and expanding into your highest self.

With love & gratitude,

Guy and Ilan Ferdman // Co-Founders of Satori Prime

Here is why you need our Nervous System Reset Protocol

Over 13,000 Students Have Used our "NSRP" To Eliminate Their Deepest Traumas, Relationship Challenges, Career, And Health Problems.

Set Your Foundation

We'll teach you how to understand the fundamentals of mindfulness and how to apply them to everyday life for increased presence and peace leveraging the MRP protocols.

Learn Stress Reduction

Learn techniques to anchor yourself in the present moment, actively reducing stress and enhancing your experience of well-being in a predictable and sustainable way.

Game Changing Distinctions

Discover proen strategies to shift your mindset for success, happiness, and fulfillment with simple distinctions that help you get out of the mental chess match.

Improve Emotional Resiliency

Develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks with strength and confidence by creating a resiliant mind and nervous system.

Let Go of Negativity

Discover how to stop holding onto your negative beliefs and viewpoints and get complete access to transform any area of your life or career gracefully.

 Thriving Global Communtiy

Leverage the power of community learning and healing by experiencing the most intimate and honest shares from our community so you can accelerate your learning.

Courses Designed For Everyone

If you're truly committed to growth, transformation, and healing, then you understand that a quick-fix won't cut it. Just like achieving lasting fitness isn't about crash diets but embracing a holistic lifestyle, true breakthroughs and self-realization require more than a fleeting experience.

It's about ingraining new habits, adopting a mindset of continuous improvement, and nurturing a deep desire for positive change within yourself. Becoming a conscious, proactive individual mirrors the journey of sculpting a healthy physique—it's a journey, not a destination.

While intensive programs can provide valuable insights and a solid foundation, it's the ongoing commitment to personal growth and mindfulness that yields sustainable, predictable results. Our approach, rooted in mindset and nervous system reset protocols, has consistently catalyzed profound transformations for those who fully immerse themselves in our teachings and embrace daily practices.

If you're genuinely ready to invest in yourself and embrace change, we're not just confident we can assist you—we're certain of it.

Take a closer look at Nervous System Reset Protocol 

Watch The Video Below Now To Discover How Others Have Used Our Protocol To Accelerate Their Transformation:

"The Go To Guys"

I do a ton of self-development work, but Ilan and Guy have a way of cutting through the noise and getting straight to the truth. It ain’t always pretty, but if you want to get through your head noise to see the truth, these are the guys to go to.

Ryan Daniel Moran

Owner of

"Diverse Teachings"

The best coaches are the ones who are the most coachable. Ilan and Guy are voracious learners of a diverse range of teachings. They are able to distill that knowledge into actionable guidance for their clients.

Ari Meisel

Owner of

"Harnessed My Fear"

They showed me techniques on how I can harness my fear and use it for my advantage. And using those techniques, I was able to grow my business to a million dollars in 11 months. They’re genuine guys who are honest and really care.

James Swanwick

Owner of

"The best chioce I have ever made!"

"Being part of this community and doing this work has been the best choice I have ever made. I am so deeply grateful for what becomes possible each and every day. I am loving it like nothing else! I finally found home!"

Sissi Dreu


Apply Our "Nervous System Reset Protocol" and Have a Major Breakthrough in Your Life or Career in The Next 30 Days

For a limited time only, you can save 50% on getting access to this exclusive transformational program

Achieve a Calmer, More Focused Mind: Discover mindfulness techniques that help you stay present and reduce stress. 

Build Deeper, More Fulfilling Relationships: Gain insights into effective communication strategies that foster understanding and empathy. 

Enhanced Emotional Well-being: Develop greater emotional resilience, allowing you to navigate life's ups and downs with more grace and balance.

14 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

Our goal is always that you get 10x the value of your investment. The truth is many of our clients say they would have paid 10x the amount of their investment had they known the level of transformation they we're about to experience, but since we're just getting to know each other - we wanted this choice to improve your life to be easy.

Get full access to Nervous System Reset Protocol for $97 - limited time only $37!


A place for personal transformation, community, and healing

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