Jesse Elder was introduced to the discipline of martial arts at the young age of 9. His years in the ring, coupled with various life experiences, have taught him how to focus during a crisis and how to react to stress. Using these experiences, Jesse Elder directed his efforts into developing people and helping them achieve their goals.
In Episode 110 of the Souls & Seekers Podcast, Ilan Ferdman asks Jesse a series of questions about his recent, temporary disconnection from social media. “Where did you go? Why? What happened? What did you find?” Jesse explains how he wanted to “go back to the lab” and out into the world. He wanted to step into a different environment; to change his identity and lifestyle by following his own frequency. He felt that it would help revamp his content as he thought it was getting stale – that it needed edge despite people showing they still love his content.
Jesse talks to Ilan about how everything is happening so fast, and that it seems it’s impossible for us to calibrate quick enough to predict or anticipate changes that are going to be happening in, let’s say, 3 years. With the conclusion that no one can be absolutely certain in their predictions, Jesse suggests that our best chance is to weaponize our intuition. Meaning, we should allow ourselves 24/7 access to the “cosmic google” (our intuition) so we can identify the exact, best, next thing that we’re supposed to do and then do just that! He encourages us to aggressively split test paradigms by challenging our thinking that “maybe there’s another way.”

Ilan and Jesse continue to talk about their work as advisors or mentors in the personal development and “spiritual realm.” People hire either of them to support bringing their visions to reality. However, Jesse makes it clear that he does not accomplish this by giving his clients a prescription of who they need to (pretend to) be in order to become successful. He believes that people need to do the work for themselves. That it’s key to have raw, real experiences. He knows with full understanding that there is a difference between his and other people’s realities so he does not prescribe a specific method on how to accomplish a goal.
Jesse only works with people who “are savvy enough, and self-authorized enough not to sacrifice their core, not to look past their values, and not to dishonor their principles to try and become somebody else” and not people who think “who do I need to pretend to be to make enough money so I can pay for my addictions and get people to like me?”
For most of 2017, Jesse lived a nomadic lifestyle, which allowed him to heal and test theories, so to speak. As he traveled around, not having a permanent home, he learned how to view others not by their social identities, but by their energies. He blinded himself to the labels that society puts on us or we put on ourselves; our financial status, social status, relationship status, political affiliations, etc. To which Ilan relates when he said “when we let go of biases and judgment, we learn to see a person with their purpose at that moment.”
Jesse also talked more about his social media content. He used to view his metrics from a possession point of view – “I got x views” or “I have x shares.” But now instead of seeing the numbers, he sees sharing his content as being able to touch lives. Out of a number of views, maybe only 3-4 people are moved or changed by one of Jesse’s videos and that is the number that matters. Ilan adds to the discussion by explaining that the content they put out is actually their personal energy frequency, and the people that view it might vibrate or resonate at their same frequency. People in their field are “vessels.” They are constantly in the state of remembering who they are in this world and helping others remember who they are.
Ultimately, Jesse says it is not his goal to get people to do something, or to get to one place from another. But rather to live his life in such a way that people can observe, of their own volition, free from manipulation. Whether these people are inspired by him or not is up to them. He also believes that instead of dressing up for the audience to like you, it is more important to dress up in the manner where the audiences will believe that you like yourself. Let them make up their own mind about you.
Jesse encourages all to “live as art.” Release what doesn’t feel good anymore or has become inauthentic, even if it works, to do something creative. Step out and take a leap. This allows us to broaden our perspectives as perceivers and projectors of reality. Jesse shares that if there’s something in your now that feels out of place or is not what you desire at the moment, that, that in itself is an opportunity to change your manifestational output. You still get to work on it.
Jesse also leaves us with a lesson on how to remove the fear of anticipation. When we want something, we fear the anticipation, of whether we’ll be able to achieve it or not. According to him, most of this fear comes from what society dictates that we should have in order to be successful.
We must enjoy the moment of desiring something. That whether what we desire comes to us or not, we will be content with our lives. Jesse calls us to appreciate- to give positive attention to, to increase in value- moments in our lives. Growth is something that we all have to do and go through. It’s something that just happens with or without conscious activity.